I was especially sad (infuriated?). I had just gone cat food shopping, and picked out some yummy-sounding canned food (without words like "by-product" or "meat" in the ingredients!). I was going to surprise Kratos with some delicious, fancy dinner, and together we were going to relax and enjoy a night of successful pooping. Instead, when I swung the door open, I was met with a pile of poop on the floor -- exactly where Kratos was going to poop before I lifted him onto the toilet a few days ago.
This morning, I did not want Kratos to form a nasty habit of pooping on the carpet. I stepped out the door, and then went back in. I moved his favorite basket and his scratching post into the bathroom, and then did the unthinkable -- I locked him in there. I know, I know. I felt terrible all day.
Thankfully, Kratos did not seem to be distressed when I got home, and held no grudges. And, indeed, he also left a load of poop in the toilet for me! That is great news -- Kratos still knows that he should poop in the toilet! But it's also bad news -- he simply prefers the carpet.
Now I don't know what to do. I can reward him if he poops in the toilet while I'm watching, but I can't correct him when I'm at work. Should I lock him in the bathroom again tomorrow?
Once he covers the entire floor with poop, according to his past behavior he'll have no choice but to poop in the toilet.