Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 24 -- One step back

There hasn't been much progress made in the past two weeks because I was gone last weekend to Sundance, and will be gone this weekend as well for Chinese new year, and I didn't want to do anything too drastic when I wasn't there, watching Kratos' every move.

Meanwhile, Kratos had a leisurely two weeks where he could get comfortable with pooping on the toilet. I noticed an unfortunate trend, however -- Kratos was starting to stand in the popcorn bowl while pooping now, instead of having all four legs on the toilet seat. I guess he has decided that the popcorn bowl is a safe place to place his weight, and while I appreciate the implicit praise for my worksmanship, this is one step back from perfect litter-free existence!

I tried to correct him by moving his leg onto the seat:

But Kratos doesn't always appreciate my correction, often just leaving the bathroom altogether when I intervene. I guess you can't blame him -- I wouldn't want someone moving my limbs around when I poop. Sigh.

Anyway, next week, I'm going to move the process along by drastically decreasing the amount of litter in the popcorn bowl. Nowadays, before using the bowl, Kratos always first scratches the litter for quite a while before he is comfortable pooping into it, so this is really going to test his tolerance. Things are going to start getting very exciting... and very smelly.


  1. Why is it that Kratos can scratch the litter in the popcorn bowl before making a deposit, but after, he can only paw lamely at the toilet seat? Is it possible he doesn't want to risk getting himself dirty?

  2. Yeah! It's so bizarre. Kratos' failure to bury his poop is certainly not due to any shortcomings in his hand-eye coordination... Perhaps he just never learned how to do it properly when he was a kitty?
